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What happens if you drive with worn brake pads?

Simply put - You increase the likelihood and risk of having an accident. You also increase the probability that you will have to eventually replace other more expensive critical brake or vehicle components.

You should always pay attention to any signs that suggest your brakes may require service and respond accordingly. One indication your brakes might need attention is if your brakes seem to be responding more slowly than usual when you press them down. This can be a sign of worn brake pads, (or it could be low brake fluid levels, or other brake system-related issues). Regardless of the cause you should get your brakes seen to by a professional to avoid more serious problems down the track.

The increased risk of having an accident aside, there are three other very good reasons for not ignoring signs your brake pads are getting to worn to do the job well;

Reduce vibration when braking

Everyone wants to feel safe when travelling in a vehicle and an ideal situation, your vehicle will slow down in a smooth manner. But when there is an issue with the brakes, it will result in shaking throughout the car and can be noticed on the steering wheel when you depress the brake pedal. If this is the case, you should look into having your brakes serviced. The end result at best is that passengers (and even drivers) will experience a less comfortable ride - we don't even like to think about the worst case scenarios...

Avoid unnecessary damage to other brake components such as rotors or calipers

Your vehicle's braking system is a complex arrangement of interdependent components, and when one is damaged, it can have a detrimental effect on other elements. For instance, when your brake pads wear past a certain point, it is likely to damage the brake rotors. When braking, the pads will squeeze the rotor, and if they are too worn, the exposed metal on them will cause them to grind against the rotors, resulting in an unpleasant noise and potentially causing harm to the rotors.

Furthermore, the heat produced by the metal-on-metal friction due to the worn pads compressing the rotor may lead to warping or cracking. Although, typically, the rotors should outlast the pads, not replacing the pads on time can damage them, and as a result, require frequent repair. Thus, regularly having the pads changed and the brake system inspected will extend the life of all its components, preventing costly and avoidable repairs.

Reduce the impact on your tyres

It may be hard to believe, but if your brakes are not in good condition, they can also have a negative impact on your tires. Brake pads that are worn down, (or problem with rotors, calipers and other parts of the brake system) generally necessitate frequent and forceful braking, which can eventually result in tyres becoming unbalanced or wearing out much quicker or unevenly. Therefore, taking care of your brakes means taking care of your tyres too.

So can you drive with worn brake pads?

It is possible to drive with worn brake pads, however, it is STRONGLY NOT RECOMMENDED if they are extremely or inconsistently worn. Safety aside, it is beneficial to have the brake pads changed as needed and the brake system maintained on a regular basis. This will not only increase the longevity of the brake components, but also ensure brake safety and improve your driving experience.

The brakes in your car consist of many different pieces, which all need to work in tandem to properly operate. When one part is damaged, it can affect the wear of other components as well. So don't ignore any signs your brakes need attention. See the experts at The Bald Lad Automotive immediately to address any brake problems you have.

See the experts at The Bald Lad Automotive immediately to address any brake problems you have - Then sit back and enjoy the ride...

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